If you need a new tractor for work around your home, one way to save money on this investment is by purchasing a used tractor. Here are three points that you should focus on when inspecting a used tractor before you decide to purchase it.
#1 Overall Appearance
The first thing you need to do is take a second to take in the overall appearance of the vehicle. How does the paint look? Is the paint peeling or cracking? Does the tractor look weathered? Is the tractor dented or rusted? Are the tires bulging or cracked?
The overall outside appearance of a vehicle is a good indication of how the mechanical part of the tractor was taken care of as well. A tractor that has peeling paint, rusted panels, and cracked tires has probably been neglected, and could be very expensive to fix up and get in good working condition.
You want to purchase a tractor that looks nice on the outside; a little wear and tear is okay, but it should not look too beaten up.
#2 Basic Running Inspection
If you like the outside look of a trailer, the next thing you should do is look at the moving parts on the tractor. Make sure that they look like they are well greased and taken care of. You shouldn't see any metal shards as you inspect the outside of the truck. Metal shards are signs that the tractor has not been taken care of properly.
After you look at the condition of the moving parts, see if you can hop up inside of the tractor and turn it on. As you turn it on, listen for how the engine sounds. Make sure that it purrs correctly. Then, drive the tractor forward a bit and make sure that the transition doesn't make any knocking sounds, which is a sign that the transmission is failing. Then, turn the tractor in both direction and make sure that the steering is not too tight or too loose. Steering that is too tight can be an indication that the hydraulic cylinders need some work or that the pins in the steering need to be greased. Steering that is too loose is a sign that the main pin could be damaged and in need of repair.
#3 Check The Engine
Finally, you need to inspect the engine. Turn off the vehicle and lift up the hood. When you check the engine, make sure that you don't see any fluids leaking out anywhere. Specifically make sure that fluid is not leaking out of the hoses, hydraulics or engine block. Then, check all of the lines, such as the fuel, coolant and hydraulic lines and make sure that they don't look cracked or worn out.
Finally, make sure that you check the engine plate and ensure that the engine exceeds or at least meets the emission standards for farm equipment in your area.