Does your family suffer from seasonal allergies? Are you wondering what you can do about them? While it'd be impossible to rid your entire neighborhood of plants and trees that make your allergies worse, here are some of the worst offenders. If your yard has one of the following trees, you should consider contacting a professional tree removal company, such as

Pine: Although beautiful, pine trees are notoriously bad for allergy sufferers. Some species of pine release so much pollen that it creates literal clouds in the air. Even if you can't actually see the pine pollen, it can still aggravate your allergies. Pine pollen typically peaks in late March and early April, so the best time for pine tree removal may be in mid to late February. This way you will have the tree out of your yard before it releases this year's pollen.

Pecan: Pecans are popular trees not only for their beauty but for the delicious nuts they provide every fall. Unfortunately for allergy sufferers, pecan trees produce both male and female flowers on the same plant. However, pecan pollen is large and heavy enough that it doesn't travel very far. This means that if you are allergic and have the only pecan tree in the area, having a tree removal service cut it down should greatly reduce your allergy symptoms.

Willow: Aside from causing you to suffer from allergies, a willow tree is often bad for other reasons as well. While their allergenic pollen is certainly a reason to call for tree removal, another major reason to have your willow tree removed is because of your pipes. Willows are rapidly growing, water-loving trees that often have shallow roots. They will seek out any source of moisture, such as your water or sewer pipes, and attempt to force their way in. This may not immediately cause obvious problems, but over time you'll notice your sewer line becoming clogged or your water bill becoming outrageously high. 

Birch: Because of their attractive bark, many people plant multiple birch trees on their property. This practice of planting multiple trees can worsen allergies, since more trees means more pollen is being released. If you are allergic to certain foods like apples, walnuts, celery, raw potatoes or carrots, you could also have a birch tree allergy. Although birch tree removal won't help with the food allergies, it will help to alleviate some of your springtime suffering. 
